Frequently Asked Questions

Why Sell a Car on My dealer?

The Largest Audience Reach millions of active shoppers by listing your ad on My dealer and KBB.com. You get double the exposure for the price.

More Value for Your Money Add up to 30 photos to show off every angle, and get FREE renewals every 30 days for up to a year. Pay once and watch it sell.

Free Vehicle History Report Build buyers confidence with your vehicle's history. Vehicle history reports typically cost up to $35, but not when you list with us. It's included at no additional cost. Finally, It's Easy to Sell a Used Car Identify Your Vehicle Quickly look up your vehicle by license plate or VIN number.

My dealer automatically provides many of the details of your vehicle. Set Your Price Price your vehicle fairly with these helpful tips. Potential buyers will see your price compared to Kelley Blue Book’s® Price Advisor on your listing. Show And Tell Drag and drop up to 30 images to showcase your car. We'll help you craft a robust description to inform your shoppers.